2008-11-27 | Cancer is a Racket | Disease has a Cause... Here's Where it is | 324 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-11-26 | Cancer is a Racket | Here are the 14 Cancer Cures in a Nutshell | 324 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-11-25 | Cancer is a Racket | The 14 Cures for Cancer | 324 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-11-24 | Cancer is a Racket | Disease Makes Profit and a Cure for Disease Makes Poverty | 324 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-11-23 | Cancer is a Racket | Cancer Research is a Cash Cow | 324 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-26 | Incorrigible Delinquency | Bring that child under control | 306 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-25 | Incorrigible Delinquency | On the doctrine of Parens Patriae | 306 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-24 | Incorrigible Delinquency | The state delivers the exact opposite that which it promises | 306 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-23 | Incorrigible Delinquency | Who owns your child | 306 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-22 | Incorrigible Delinquency | Spare the rod, spoil the child | 306 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-21 | Incorrigible Delinquency | | 306 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-20 | Incorrigible Delinquency | Juvenile gangs - what do you do with them | 306 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-19 | 20 Small Private Businesses | 33 articulable benefits of the covenant | 305 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-18 | 20 Small Private Businesses | Bartering for profit | 305 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-17 | 20 Small Private Businesses | Buying, selling and trading salvage | 305 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-16 | 20 Small Private Businesses | The underground movers | 305 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-15 | 20 Small Private Businesses | Daniel paints houses in Hawaii | 305 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-14 | 20 Small Private Businesses | The Green River Ordinence Story | 305 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-13 | 20 Small Private Businesses | Find a need and fill it | 305 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-12 | Here is the Good News | The 10 Commandment Business model | 304 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-11 | Here is the Good News | Here's how to buy a $50,000 house over 30 years and lose $90,000 | 304 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-10 | Here is the Good News | The Navajo truck driver story | 304 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed