2008-07-09 | Here is the Good News | We can change the law we practice anytime we choose | 304 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-08 | Here is the Good News | Freemen, slaves and bond servants | 304 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-07 | Here is the Good News | Let's connect the dots | 304 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-06 | Here is the Good News | Lev. 26:1-3 | 304 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-05 | Here is the Bad News | We are flirting with armageddon | 303 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-04 | Here is the Bad News | 72% of the seed corn crop is lost to the floods | 303 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-03 | Here is the Bad News | The military option is the only card left for the U.S. | 303 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-02 | Here is the Bad News | The Royal Bank of Scottland and the Bank of International Settlements warn of economic catastrophe | 303 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-07-01 | Here is the Bad News | America is not going to pay its debts | 303 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-30 | Here is the Bad News | The new Geo-strategic role of gold | 303 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-29 | Here is the Bad News | Put a shut off valve in your sewer line | 303 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-28 | The Gold Clause Case | When it comes to law and gold, what's good for the goose is sauce for the gander | 302 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-27 | The Gold Clause Case | Here is the law on gold usage in the U.S.A. | 302 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-26 | The Check Story | The Circle K story | 301 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-25 | The Check Story | Payment vs. discharge - famous quotations on money | 301 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-24 | The Check Story | Payment vs. discharge under JHR 192 | 301 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-23 | America is a Christian Nation | When you join the club you are bound by the rules | 300 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-22 | America is a Christian Nation | Christians do not have a right to educate children in their doctrine | 300 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-21 | Heavy Metals | The Pharisee connection to heavy metals | 299 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-20 | Heavy Metals | Chelation is the way we get the heavy metals out | 299 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-19 | Heavy Metals | I won't believe it unless it comes from Johns Hopkins University | 299 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2008-06-18 | Heavy Metals | The fix is in - The Coverup | 299 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed