2009-03-31 | Stopping Deflation | Hyperinflation is the End Result of this Madness | 341 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-30 | Stopping Deflation | This Bailout Stimulus is Total Madness | 341 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-29 | Stopping Deflation | We Need More Real Information | 341 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-28 | Here is What We Teach | The Bible Calls for a Legal Education | 340 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-27 | Here is What We Teach | Family Law and Civil Rights | 340 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-26 | Here is What We Teach | Subsistance and Survival: How to Make $100,000 on 25 Acres or Less | 340 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-25 | Here is What We Teach | The Mosaic Law and 90 Common Doctrines | 340 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-24 | Here is What We Teach | Courtroom Strategy and Procedure | 340 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-23 | Here is What We Teach | Private Business School | 340 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-22 | Here is What We Teach | Tax and Status School | 340 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-21 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | The End of the World | 339 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-20 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | Voting in the Bible | 339 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-19 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | Has time been lost? | 339 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-18 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | Swine, liquor and wine, and days of the week | 339 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-17 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | The orgin of sun day and sun worship | 339 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-16 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | Tithing vs. income tax and Rahab the harlot makes the first resurrection | 339 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-15 | Biblical vs. Human Doctrines | Obelisks and preaching house to house | 339 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-14 | A Profitable Servant | Hiring yourself a job | 338 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-13 | A Profitable Servant | The Pearl of Great Price | 338 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-12 | A Profitable Servant | Can you see what needs to be done and go do it without being told? | 338 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-11 | A Profitable Servant | The Unjust Steward | 338 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2009-03-10 | A Profitable Servant | The Parable of the Unprofitable Servant | 338 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed